
We are proud to offer technology and cybersecurity focused events in Central Western NSW that are designed to educate and upskill local businesses.
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Between Two Techies Webinar Series
Hackers, Laws & Liability
Keeping up with the latest tech governance and regulatory changes is a full-time job. That’s why Mitch and Levi thought they would give you a 45 minute, plain-talking, easy-to-digest update on the latest things you should know about and why you should care.
We promise there will be plenty of real-world examples, local references, and time to ask questions if you have them.
We’ll be discussing:
Cybersecurity is the biggest concern for most businesses in Australia for a reason – those hackers are persistent and target businesses of every size and industry. So, even if you’d rather be at the pub, tune in and get the latest information – it might just save you an expensive error down the track.
Executive Lunch
We’ve been banging on about the rising number of cyber incidents, the importance of a proactive approach and cybersecurity. Little did we know that we would become our own case study in 2024.
It was a steep learning curve and a tough year, but we wanted to share our experiences in the hope that they can help other businesses. We hope you can join us at one of our lunch and learns in Orange or Bathurst.
We’ll be talking: