

We are proud to offer technology and cybersecurity focused events in Central Western NSW that are designed to educate and upskill local businesses.

If you are interested in receiving event invitations and information, make sure that you subscribe to our newsletter via the button in the footer.

Cyber Sips and Security Tips: Smarter Data Storage Strategies

Do you have a solid data strategy? Many companies don’t know where valuable company data is stored and don’t have a plan in place to keep it safe.

Are people saving files on their desktops? Do you protect sensitive information so only relevant people can access? And is your filing cabinet locked? For 99% of small to medium businesses, the answer is… ah maybe?

This kind of poor data governance leaves you open to compliance and regulatory risks, data silos and inconsistent data, operational inefficiencies and data breaches.

Between Two Techies Webinar Series

Between Two Techies is an ongoing series in which Mitch and Levi will discuss technology, their favourite hairstyles, and interesting industry news.

  • Thursday 21st March 2025
  • 10 am – 10:45 am
  • Zoom link TBC

Lunch and Learn: How to survive a cyber event

We’ve been banging on about the rising number of cyber incidents, the importance of a proactive approach and cybersecurity. Little did we know that we would become our own case study in 2024.

It was a steep learning curve and a tough year, but we wanted to share our experiences in the hope that they can help other businesses. We hope you can join us at one of our lunch and learns in Orange or Bathurst.

We’ll be talking:

  • Firsthand experience and stories from your very own Colton Computer Technologies

  • Some of the latest cyber stats

  • How holistic cyber protection reduces risk and lowers cyber premiums

  • Common gaps that we see in the local market

Are you already completely sick of IT? Let Us help!