

We are proud to offer technology and cybersecurity focused events in Central Western NSW that are designed to educate and upskill local businesses.

If you are interested in receiving event invitations and information, make sure that you subscribe to our newsletter via the button in the footer.

Invitation-only Executive Lunch Series

There is an ongoing trend towards companies and their executives being held to account for their technological and cyber security practices.

To help you to refine your cybersecurity, risk and compliance approach, we are organising a series of industry specific executive lunches focusing on how you can limit your organisation’s risk and liability.

Upcoming dates:

Between Two Techies Webinar Series

Between Two Techies is an ongoing series in which Mitch and Levi will discuss technology, their favourite hairstyles, and interesting industry news.

Upcoming dates:

Password management and credential harvesting awareness event

Colton Computer Technologies and LastPass are pleased to invite you to attend their free B2B educational awareness event on Tuesday 13 August from 3pm. Join us for a gin tasting and cyber chat.

Are you already completely sick of IT? Let Us help!